What we do
- Reliable & Timely Service
- Technical Support / Problem Solving
- Project Sizing & Solutions
- Stocked Warehouse Supply

Setting the New Standard
"Mainline Backflow Products Inc. works with all levels of governments in Canada in a dedicated effort to prevent flooding caused by sewer backups. Our new and innovative product designs have quickly captured the attention of code officials and the plumbing industry across North America making Mainline Backflow Products the professionals' choice for sewer protection. The 'Mainline Fullport Backwater Valve', the flagship product of the company, has brought MBP several nationally recognized awards because of its normally open gate concept."
Can-mech represents the following products from Mainline:
Adapt-a-Valve, Flush Cap, Fullport Backwater Valve, Inspection Chamber, Pipe Plug, Straight-Fit Valve, Termex Valve, Test-Eze-Tee